Gpedit Msc Vista Home Premium

  1. Gpedit Msc Download
  2. Gpedit Msc Vista Home Premium Access
It seems that Windows Vista Home Basic or Premium editions do not have
Gpedit Msc Vista Home Premiumthe same level of Group Policy management that higher version of Vista

Jack.Sparrow is right, gpedit.msc isn't available in Home Basic and Home Premium. You have to manually edit the registry in order to change group policy settings. Microsoft has an Excel spreadsheet that lists all the group policy settings and their respective registry keys, so you can probably find what you're looking to change in there. Problem using gpedit.msc in windows 7 home premium.please help me! I'm using win7 home premium in my MacBook Pro. When i press start button, and press shutdown. A windows (like shutdown options) appear, choose one option to shutdown.

or Server 2008 have. There is no gpedit.msc or 'Group Policy Object'
snap in for mmc. Furthermore, it seems they removed those features
entirely and there aren't any options for managing group policy the
traditional way.

I am trying to set up a machine that is not networked (not on a
domain) with a new user and configure that user's privledges on the
machine. This user will run a Kiosk style application so lockdown is
the main goal. I have been able to set this up just fine on high
versions of Vista by creating a new user, setting up a Local Group
Policy Object for this user and the job is done. But I haven't found
the similar way to do this for Vista Home editions. I thought of
editting the registry directly, but I could not figure out how to
simulate a 'Local Group Policy' that effects only my Kiosk user.

If anyone has experience with Local Group Policy on Windows Vista Home
editions as a stand alone PC (not using a Domain) please let me know
what options there are.

Thanks, Jesse

How-To Geek Forums / Windows Vista

getting gpedit.msc on vista home premium

(13 posts)Home

Is there a way you can get 'gpedit.msc' on vista home premium.
I have seen the web sites telling you how to do this, but the comments at the bottom have put me of a little, people have been following the instructions only to become stuck, just one example is the link below

Is there a sure fire way of doing this, so you can just follow instructions so it will work.

I have noticed that i already have a few of the files, ( gpedit.dll , gptext.dll , fde.dll , wsecedit.dll )
And in the registry, i have a DWORD value ' LmCompatibilityLevel 3 '

So i think its just a matter of knowing what to do, as this has worked for some people.

Thanks everyone
windows vista home premium, sp2, 32 bit...

i think we dont have it in it but still if you wanna add

btw it wont help you a lot even in xp 'cause by default it reserves 20% of bandwidth (but it works when windows is downloading something) which is not every time
if you doubt it then try its effect by going to any speed testing site and see the difference

thanks Aguro.
I had seen this page before, only it had comments at the bottom, for some reason thet are not there, the comments where basically people having problems when they tryed this.
Anyway the only way to know is to try it myself.

As i already have some of these files, i am not to sure how to go about this when i download the group policy files package.

Gpedit Msc Download

Copy WindowsSsystem32gpedit.msc,fde.dll,gpedit.dll,gptext.dll,wsecedit.dll.

I would only need the gpedit.msc.


And also backing up the registry, do i backup the whole registry, or specific keys
gpedit is for group policy

you should take all those dlls because these dynamic link libraries are supporter for the application(s),
you can try making system restore point

OK Aguro.
I'll give it a go to see if it works, its not a problem if it doesen't.
I'll post back and let you know

I am also curious (since i presently don't have vista right now )
but stealing it from reserved bandwidth for updates is not going to be great
but maybe theres 1 more thing which you can use to increase your cache hit time by 1403 times and decrease the cache hit time by 1403 times (when data is not fully found within the cache it then asks for download, but if cache hit occur it will load from hard disk(generally) and save downloading and hence you get faster net but even at time of cache miss(when data not found) there is delay in asking (which you can decrease)

Thanks Aguro..
As i say i am new in this area, and did not know about this 'bandwidth' i diden't even know Bandwidth had anything to do with getting 'gpedit'

I am still in two minds about trying this ?

but anyway i have just downloaded the 'group policy files package' and copied them into system32 folder.
And then went to the next step, which was 'start > CMD

regsvr32 fde.dll

When i try this, and its the same for all the files in the package i get.

' the module 'fde.dll' was loaded but the entry point DLLRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that 'fde.dll' is a valid dll or OCX file '

I just new it would not be that simple following these instructions.
Shall i quit now while the goings good.. :)

i think you'll need
AMd files aswell
this articles explains a few things and also tells about other ways to increase the speed
for Vista (HOME)

read with

other way round

Vista Home Basic Internet Explorer Problem
If you’re annoyed by Internet Explorer’s incessant barking that you’ve lowered your security settings , launch “gpedit.msc” from either the Run command or Start Search field, navigate through Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Vista Components / Internet Explorer. In the rightmost pane, double-click “Turn off the Security Settings Check feature” and set it to Enabled.

windows site

Hello Aguro

Yes all the 'amd files' are in C:windowsINf
Restarted the computer, and i am still getting

' the module 'fde.dll' was loaded but the entry point DLLRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that 'fde.dll' is a valid dll or OCX file '

Would this have anything to do with the registry value ' LmCompatibilityLevel 3' i did see somewhere that you have to change this to '0'

OK Aguro,

Gpedit Msc Vista Home Premium

Following this link, i have got as far as 'MMC could not create the snap-in' on the snap shots.
Then things become a bit trickey.

Okay that will be empty on right side at first. We just click file > add or remove snap-ins and add all left side devils to the right panel and click ok

one of the available snap-ins is 'local users and groups' and this is a snap-in i carn't add.....

Gpedit Msc Vista Home Premium

Any idears where i go from here

I can not try it myself, currently on this computer i dont have vista
btw i found that this function works properly on later versions
Sorry buddy cant go any further
try tampering the registry after making a point

Try this

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Gpedit Msc Vista Home Premium Access

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