Mining Turtle Commands

Mining Turtle


The Mining Turtle is a block added by ComputerCraft, extending the functionality of the Turtle. It allows the turtle to not only place and interact with blocks, but also break them.

The mining turtle is a robot used to mine straight tunnels the distance you specify, or dig outwards in a circle to hollow out an area. However, this is not even scratching the surface of it's huge potential. When you right click the turtle itself, you will get a GUI, much like 'Win32 Console'.

  • The Mining Turtle is a block added by ComputerCraft, extending the functionality of the Turtle. It allows the turtle to not only place and interact with blocks, but also break them.
  • A Mining Turtle is the same as a Turtle, only now you can use it to do your mining for you. A great place to get started with this is right click on the Mining Turtle once placed to open the GUI. Type in excavate then a number (e.g excavate 3). By typing excavate 3, you are telling it to mine 3x3.

Recipe[edit | edit source]

Usage[edit | edit source]

The mining turtle is most commonly used as an early-game form of automatic mining. It is relatively cheap to maintain, however you must first find a diamond pickaxe. Once the user has obtained a diamond pickaxe, the turtle must only be supplied will coal (or another form of fuel) to keep running. It is able to find coal for itself while mining, lowering the maintenance required.The following is a sample mining program:

Mining Turtle Commands

This program can be downloaded in-game by running the command: pastebin get Df8Q6xp7 smine


Advanced Computer
Advanced Monitor
Command Computer
Pocket Computer
Wireless Pocket Computer
Advanced Pocket Computer
Advanced Wireless Pocket Computer

Floppy Disk
Disk Drive

Printed Page
Printed Pages
Printed Book

Mining Turtle
Digging Turtle
Felling Turtle
Farming Turtle
Melee Turtle
Crafty Turtle
Wireless Turtle

Advanced Turtle
Advanced Mining Turtle
Advanced Digging Turtle
Advanced Felling Turtle
Advanced Farming Turtle
Advanced Melee Turtle
Advanced Crafty Turtle
Advanced Wireless Turtle

Wireless Modem
Wired Modem
Networking Cable

Retrieved from ''

Turtle graphics with turtle

Python has a library called turtle that is part of the standard python installation. To use it, you need only type: from turtle import * or import turtle You can type this right in the python interpreter to experiment with turtle graphics or, better yet, include this line at the top of your program and then use turtle drawing commands in your program!

In the turtle package when you run a program with turtle commands, a special window will open where the drawing will take place.

Example turtle Code to Draw a Star

Turtle Star

Turtle can draw intricate shapes using programs that repeat simple moves. The code to draw the above star.

Complete turtle reference!

Mining Turtle Commands Copy And Paste

Below is a table that describes the turtle commands needed to begin.

To see the complete set of turtle commands go to the official Python 3.1 turtle page.

Turtle commands

The commonly used commands available in turtle are given below. Click on any command to learn more about it.


Sets the angle input method to degrees. All following angle inputs are assumed to be degree measures. This is the default setting.


Sets the angle input method to radians. All following angle inputs are assumed to be radian measures.


Resets everything to the default values, and clears the canvas. After a call to reset, the canvas will be in exactly the same state as it was when the import command was called: you will have a blank canvas will the turtle (colored black with fill set to unfilled) pointing to the right at the center (heading = 0.0).


Erases the entire canvas and redraws the turtle. Does not move the turtle.

tracer(n=None, delay=None)

Turns turtle animation on/off and set delay for update drawings.

If non-negative integer n is given, only each n-th regular screen update is performed. Can be used to accelerate the drawing of complex graphics. When called without arguments, returns the currently stored value of n. Second argument sets delay value (see delay()).

Turning the turtle off makes the turtle disappear and makes drawing MUCH faster. Drawing commands are still executed without the turtle, and lines are still drawn when the turtle is moved. Use up and down to turn drawing on and off, or just use the setx, sety, or goto functions to move without drawing.

Mining Turtle Commands Bedrock Edition


Moves the turtle forward distance, drawing a line behind the turtle. The line will be drawn even if the turtle is turned off.


Moves the turtle backward distance, drawing a line along the path taken. The line will be drawn even if the turtle is turned off.


Turns the turtle left by angle. If degrees has been called (the default), angle will be used as a degree measure; if radians has been called, angle will be interpreted as a measure in radians.



Turns the turtle right by angle. If degrees has been called (the default), angle will be used as a degree measure; if radians has been called, angle will be intrepreted as a measure in radians.


Stops all drawing. Until down is called, nothing will be drawn to the screen. Cursor movement will still take effect, however.


Resumes drawing after a call to up. Commands between the up and down statements will not be drawn, but commands after the down statement will appear as normal.


Sets the width of the line drawn using the forward and backward commands.

Computercraft Mining Turtle Commands


Changes the current color. The current color is used for drawing lines using forward and backward, as well as for filling shapes when end_fill() is called after begin_fill(). The color can be given as a single color string (as in color('blue'), color('chocolate'), color('peru'), color('#a0df00'), or color('#1dead1')). A three-tuple of rgb float values (as in color((0.1,0.5,0.9)) or color((95/255., 12/255., 9/255.))) can be used.

Mining Turtle Command Block


Used to fill shapes. First, call begin_fill(), then proceed to draw the outline of the shape to be filled. After the shape is done, call end_fill(). A line will be drawn from the current turtle position to the position of the turtle when the begin_fill() command was called, and the resulting polygon will be filled with the current color (the color of exterior lines will also be changed). If any interior angle in the resulting polygon is greater than 180°, however, the resulting filled polygon will only include the first two line segments after the begin_fill() statement, forming a triangle.