Orc Tf

Orc TF/TG story Epilouge. I tried stanting up but my legs wehre still too shakey and gave away so i sat there and let the realization continue to sink in. 'That actually happend' i finally said and nearly stumbeld over my now raspy feminin voice before admitting that i should have expexted such a thing. Sounded kind of sweet actually. His orc transformation: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 and His bear transformations: First, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4 Second, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 His Fur Affinity page, if you're interested, is here. Here us another artist by the name of Binturongboy. I have a link to his Perfect Prey comic here. Note: TF-ORC coming into the terminal at Hofn after sunset, taken from the tower. Eagle air certainly keep their aircraft nice and clean and highly polished.

Tf2 Orc



Actually managed to complete a costume this year 🙂

Chris was over the moon that he’d gotten to the Foundation’s costume shop before it closed on Halloween night. A nerd by habit and hobby, Chris had been eyeing the newly released orc costume throughout October but had only just found the money for it on the night of the party. He was grinning, admiring the big, fur costume limply hanging from his gangly body when he noticed that his smile seemed to be developing a severe underbite.

Much to his suprise, two white tusks sprouted up from his bottom lip. His went wide in astonishment, but his dumb, satisfied grin never faltered. Green spread forth from his loincloth over is pasty white skin, expanding with a newfound girth of fat and muscle in his physique. Chris felt his body filled with vitality and strength that he’d never experienced before, yet he couldn’t manage a single movement. His mind was suddenly too burdened, dominated with animalistic urges. His cock negan to stir beneath the fur coverings.


Wc3 Tft Orc Build Order

A moment later, Kris was still admiring his visage in the mirror with a dopey smile. His arms rippled with strength, his belly dominantly bulged over his fur loincloth, and the last sparks of intelligence where flickering out of his eyes. Kris no longer wanted to go to the Halloween party to hook up with girls.

Orc File Format

“Kris want fuck men.”